Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Revolution gainst Obama Care begins in South Austin, Texas

It started in mostly liberal South Austin, Texas.

Rep Doggett met with constituents outside a grocery store in south Austin regarding the health care bill. Apparently the event was mostly advertised in liberal leaning local publications. He did not bring a megaphone, so hearing what he had to say was difficult. When he started making the move to leave, the crowd erupted chanting "Just say no!" His worker got the car ready to shuttle him away but the crowd surrounded it and it took a while for him to get out of the parking lot. The whole time, the "Just say no!" chant continued. It probably won't matter - from his facial expression, body language, and what was heard to come out of his mouth, he's for the the health care bill in its present form and has no openness to change on that.

The people *not Rep or Dem* are tired of the BS. They are sick to death of the doing things against us EVEN WHEN WE DO SPEAK OUT IN OPPOSITION! Thank God, FINALLY they are turning off their TV's for a few hours and GETTING INVOLVED! They are pissed, and are NOT going to take it anymore! Politicians need to take the warning and start doing what they were elected to do: Follow what We the People say, and DEFEND (not destroy) the Constitution. I don't remember "Health Care" being in there.

This Obamacare thing is not a Republican or a Democrat thing: it is a human thing. The powers behind the universal health care push want total control over the masses. The way to control the people is to control access to doctors and medicine. The push is laying the groundwork for a bloodless coup - an overthrow of the Constitution. It's that simple.

The people from the Austin Texas tea Party belong to his district. And the Campaign for Liberty is the Libertarians. Neither of those responses indicate that these people were from outside the district. And again...Doggett was NOT there for dialogue. If he were, he would have brought a sound system of some sort to make himself heard. He was there for an look like he is listening to his people. He is not, never has.

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