Monday, August 10, 2009

Who are the uninsured? Health Care Reform

Who are the uninsured?

A closer look at the 46 million reasons for ObamaCare
By now, you have probably heard a lot about the sad army of the "uninsured" from President Obama and every other elected Democratic Party official in these United States. This is simply political fear-mongering designed to pass a national government-run health-care plan, which has been a union and liberal agenda item since the late 1940s. So the "solution" isn't new and neither is the "crisis."

Let's look at the facts. First of all, the uninsured do receive high-quality medical care. Virtually every state requires that hospitals treat people regardless of their ability to pay. Talk to any hospital executive, and he will tell you that treating people who either cannot or will not pay is actually quite costly -- forcing up medical bills for the rest of us. So the uninsured are treated, and the rest of us are treated to the bill.

This leads us to ask: Who are the uninsured? In 2006, the Census Bureau used a Department of Labor survey to estimate that there were 46.6 million uninsured people -- about 15.5 percent of the population.

Fourteen million of the 47 million are already eligible for government insurance, Medicaid, but have not signed up. (Pre-existing conditions do not exclude someone from joining Medicaid.) Those 14 million have not signed up because they do not want to pay the small monthly premium that Medicare charges. As a result, many who are eligible for Medicaid wait until they need care before they register. They are effectively insured at all times even when they are not formally enrolled in the program.

What about the uninsured who are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid? Most are not in dire financial straits. After all, 27 million of the uninsured have personal incomes of more than $50,000.

True, there is a group of people who are borderline poor but not eligible for Medicaid, but the group is relatively small and many (if not most) of those people are illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, government surveys never ask respondents if they are legally in the United States.

If you exclude those who are essentially covered by Medicaid, nearly 70 percent of the remaining uninsured lack insurance for less than four months. Many of those temporarily uninsured are simply switching jobs and waiting for human resources departments to process their paperwork. In addition, two-thirds of the uninsured are between 18 and 34; these folks, on average, have few health problems and are uninsured by choice.

The truly uninsured are, thus, largely young people who can afford insurance but who make the decision to temporarily go without it as they move between jobs. This tends to be for very short periods of time.

As the late, great senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, used to say: "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." The sensationalized plight of the uninsured is not a valid reason for enacting national health care

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