Sunday, August 2, 2009

St. Louis protests against ObamaCare

Claire McCaskill's office locked their doors, pulled the blinds and called the cops on local Tea Party Protesters today in St. Louis. The protesters were rallying against Obamacare at the liberal senator's office.

She represents her own special interest ..not the people.

I'm betting that many police officers feel exactly as the protesters do, and the longer this health care reform issue drags on the more the police will be LESS inclined to take VALUABLE time away from protecting their city to go harass "We The People", protesting the fact that we're NOT being heard. Everyone has a breaking point--push the fine men & women of the police force to "protect you from the protesters" and you could hear the 911 operator laughing at the other end of the phone.

But don't you know that Senators and Congressmen no longer work for the people, or even care about what the people think, for that matter? Federal politicians, regardless of their party, are no more than employees to their party. They don't care about the well being of their country, just their party, power and paychecks.

What makes you think because they pass this bill that people will have health care? This is about extracting more money from the people, setting up a bigger, more complex government program and making people dependent on the government. THIS IS NOT ABOUT HEALTH CARE. Ron Paul has introduced excellent free market solutions to the health care problem, but they won't even consider this alternative. Nor will the press talk about it. WHY? Because gov doesn't care about health care, only raising $.

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